As Per NCTE Regulation 2014 Section 7(14)(i)(f)
Computer LAB
There is a Computer LAB in our institute.
In this age of information superhighway and cyberspace IT skills have become a necessity. The college has an fully IT Lab with latest digital multimedia terminals. This is one of the added advantages for the Future Teachers. Computer labs provide students with hands-on learning opportunities, allowing them to apply theoretical concepts in a practical setting. They can experiment with software applications, explore the internet, and learn programming languages, among other things.

Science LAB
There is Science LAB in college.Students have an opportunity to test out theories, ask questions and make observations. They can then use the information from these experiments in future studies or projects.
When students are involved in experiments, they become more focused as compared to when they do theoretical studies. This improves concentration and also helps them develop better analytical skills.

Psychology LAB
The Psychology Laboratory at the College thus plays an important role in ensuring the development of a comprehensive understanding of tasks and responsibilities for the prospective teachers/educators.
The role of the psychology laboratory is to enrich/ improve the understanding of the B.Ed. students about:
- Classroom processes of learning, teaching, development (different aspects), measurement, assessment, and evaluation and
- The dynamics of the students, teachers, other school personnel including principal and administrative staff, parents, community, etc.
- To acquaint the prospective teachers with various tools for measurement of relevant dimensions of performance (Achievement, Intelligence, Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Motivation, Personality, etc.).
- To develop the skills for administering and interpreting various tests.
- To utilize data to ensure the balanced development of learners in the school system.
The student–teachers are encouraged to enhance their awareness of the different aspects mentioned and use their understanding to develop and consolidate the dynamic “profiles” that emerge about the school children, the schools, and themselves.

Art & Craft
Arts and crafts education helps improve a child's creativity, motor skills, and imagination. While the child is growing up, arts and crafts become an interesting activity. Children like to do arts and crafts projects. All children love arts and crafts projects.
The importance of Art and crafts spreads to academic excellence as well. Despite the common misconception, Arts and Crafts actually help children with their concentration, thinking skills, visual learning, and more, which has proven to increase IQ levels.